vumc c2hr

Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s C2HR, or “Connecting 2 Human Resources,” is a comprehensive system designed to streamline and simplify HR-related tasks for employees. This platform offers a user-friendly interface that allows employees to access a wide range of HR services, including benefits enrollment, time and attendance tracking, and personal information management.

The C2HR system is tailored to meet the needs of Vanderbilt Medical Center’s diverse workforce, which includes faculty, staff, residents, and fellows. It offers a centralized hub for employees to manage their HR-related tasks and provides access to critical information, such as pay statements, tax forms, and retirement account details.

In addition to its user-friendly interface, C2HR has a robust reporting system that enables managers to monitor employee performance and track attendance. The system also provides tools for managers to manage staffing levels and adjust schedules as needed.

Overall, the C2HR system is an invaluable resource for Vanderbilt Medical Center employees. It streamlines HR processes and makes it easier for employees to access critical information and manage their work-life balance. Its user-friendly interface and comprehensive reporting system make it a powerful tool for both employees and managers alike.